Intended to support discussions and dialogues, we would like to encourage the following types of submissions:

  • Full paper (oral presentation): up to 8 pages

  • Short paper (oral presentation): up to 4 pages

  • Demonstration paper (hands-on demo): up to 4 pages

The references are not counted in the page limit for all the submission types. All manuscripts are expected to address the topics related to geographic information extraction from texts and should be original and unpublished contributions. Pre-prints submitted to ArXiv are eligible. Manuscripts should follow the CEUR-ART single-column style and be submitted as PDF files to EasyChair (Will be open soon)

IMPORTANT: Please include between brackets the type of submission (full; short and oral; demo) in the paper title.

Each manuscript will be peer-reviewed by at least two program committee members, following the single-blind paradigm. Accepted papers will be included in an open-access proceedings volume of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, indexed by both Scopus and DBLP.